
“Seek to empower individuals and communities with relevant information of living in harmony with one another, God and the physical environment.”


To foster peace, healing, reconciliation and discipleship through training in conflict prevention, transformation and reconstruction. PHARP value relationship, partnership, creativity and accountability.

Core Values

  • Dependence on God:We are committed to waiting and receiving our guidance from God and to trust Him with the outcome.
  • Relationships:Our Board Members and staff desire to encourage and serve one another in friendship and cooperation. We believe in relationships built on trust and respect lead to wise decisions and better results.
  • Strength and Diversity:As the small group was composed of female and male, so gender is not an issue, either ethnicity, language, or culture because we are one within the body of Christ. We have enjoyed and appreciated one another because of our diverse gifts.
  • Creativity:A foolish person believes in his/her expert in peacemaking, but a wise one receives counsel from a variety of sources and recognizes the value of others. PHARP desires to remain teachable, learning from failures as well as successes. Our approaches include indigenous initiatives and modern systems.